Hansie Britz



Franchising is represented in most of the economy and the scope of opportunities is vast. It is not vital that a potential franchisee be experienced in all the technical aspects of a particular franchise system. Although a potential franchisee should posses some basic managerial expertise and industry knowledge, he is entitled to rely on the franchisors  expertise and ability to train him and all of his staff.

Some questions you should ask yourself before even thinking of starting a franchise should be:-

  • Does franchising have what it takes to satisfy your ambition?

  • Do you, and your family, have a fair understanding of what franchise ownership will demand and offer?

  • Will owing a franchise, and the growth opportunities within the network, be aligned with your financial and career expectations?  

Some other important questions to ask (your own research will always remain your most important tool in assessing a franchise opportunity)according to Simone Cooper – Head of Franchising – Standard Bank:-

Do you have strong people skills?

Successful franchisees always have excellent interpersonal skills and can effectively interact with their employees, customers and the franchisor. These skills are integral to building a sustainable business.

Do you have a stable support system?

Managing a franchise is a full-time job. You will have to sacrifice a great deal of your personal time with family and friends to ensure that your business is run efficiently.

Will you enjoy the franchise?

Many people view a franchise as a quick way to make money without actually considering whether the type of business they are entering into suits their personality and aligns with their passions. You need to have a natural affinity with the applicable franchise brand that you select so that you are able to enjoy what you do.

Can you afford the franchise?

Although the franchisor will be able to guide you in terms of start-up and running costs, these will vary due to building rental leases and other acquisitions you will require to run your business effectively. Ensure that you have sufficient start – up and working capital to sustain  you for your first year in business, as you typically will only see a return on your investment after the first year.

Are you able to work within the boundaries of a set system?

A good franchise company has invested years of trial and error to find the best model for operating a sustainable business. The franchisor also has spend some time investigating various systems and processes to find what works best. They are not looking for prospective franchisees who want to come in and re-invent the wheel.The key to a successful franchise is the consistency in the product or service that customers find from one franchise store or restaurant to the next. Buying into a franchise and displaying the logo tells customers that you prescribe to a certain brand’s set values and standards.

 Are you willing to take full responsibility and manage your own business?

One of the misconceptions about franchising is that buying into one and running it is easy. This is simply not true. Although the franchise system will offer start-up training and full support, as the owner you must be willing to run and manage the business properly. Most successful franchises have owners who are hands-on. You will probably work harder, longer hours, doing everything from managing staff to dealing with customers and even mopping floors.

Are you willing to pay royalty/management service fees to the franchisor?

Buying into a franchise system, means that you are buying into a proven concept with an established brand. The franchisor has spent years developing and building the brand. In order for you to trade under their umbrella, you will have to agree to pay a certain amount in royalty fees to the franchisor. This is an ongoing arrangement for as long as you are using the franchisor’s brand.

When investigating a franchise, don’t forget to speak with Franchisees already in the system to get the real picture. Make sure to check out the following important issues:-

  • Initial Training Programs.

You need to determine how well the initial training programs prepare the franchisees for opening and running their new business.

  • Opening Support.

Find out how easy the Franchisor made the process of getting the first unit open  and operating. Was there assistance in the site selection, lease negotiation, construction and design assistance etc.

  • Marketing Programs.

Most Franchisors collect marketing rand’s from every franchisee to put into a pool spent to promote the brand. You need to determine whether the franchisees are happy and supportive of the way this process is handled.

  • Purchasing Power.

Does the Franchisor use the collective buying power of the total system to get discounts on supplies and inventory beyond what an independent operator could achieve?

  • Relationships.

Determine how the franchisees feel about their relationship with the franchise company in general. Is the franchisor supportive, caring, focused on their success, responsive, effective, organized and trustworthy?

To start any  franchise operation  successfully or to obtain funding from an Investor it is vital to develop a “Professional” Franchise Business Plan that you can present to any lender. We can help you with this and also want to warn you against the services of some “cheap” so called business plan writers. Also see our FAQ’S section for more information on this issue.

Purchase an Existing Franchise.

With the downturn in the economy a number of existing franchises are for sale. One’s initial reaction is if a business is for sale it must have problems. While this may be true in many cases, there are some good opportunities to purchase a viable existing business at good value. If you are contemplating purchasing an existing business/franchise you need to carefully consider the following:-

Why is the business for sale?

Just confirm that the business is for sale for a valid reason. Some valid reasons are that the owner wants to retire or immigrate or the owner has an illness that stops him being able to run the business. Often a new franchisee purchases the business with new enthusiasm and the hard work results in increased sales and profit.

Is the site still optimal?

Geographic areas change, and often a site changes. Town centers have become ghost towns as the shopping node moves out of town. Shopping centers also change the flow when they make additions and changes to the center. Assuming the site and position in the centre are still correct you must study the lease. How long has the  lease got left, is there a renewal clause and what will the rent be increased by?

Position of the Franchisor

You won’t be able to purchase a franchise unless the franchisor approved you as a new franchisee. We suggest that you visit the franchisor and discuss the purchase with him. Reputable franchisors will want you to be successful so will make sure you don’t over-pay or buy a bad franchise. However, be careful of bad franchisors who will encourage the sale to get rid of problem franchises. Check the position regarding a revamp that can cost in excess of R1 million.


Make sure the business has a good set of audited financials and that all debtors are up to date. Also check that the VAT payments are up to date. Get an experienced accountant to review the financials with you or get a financial analysis be done by a professional consultant.


Bernard Schoeman of the “Tax Shop” has the following advice for prospective franchisees:-

Look for Commitment.

This should be evident from the franchisor and other franchisees. All parties in the relationship should be fully committed to its success.

 Back up and support.

This is crucial. Most people who buy into a franchise do so because of the support on offer.

Ongoing training.

Ongoing training is necessary. Your franchisor should offer regular training to ensure that franchisees remain ahead of the competition technically and in terms of service delivery.

Financial standing of the Franchisor.  should be sound. A sound franchise system should be backed by a franchisor with the financial ability to weather difficult times.

Continuity of the franchise provides peace of mind. The franchise should be able to continue operating in the event that the franchisor is changed or discontinued.

Technical knowledge of the franchisor and franchisee should be adequate. No franchise system can thrive if its people are under-qualified.

Franchise culture should not be foreign. For a franchise to be successful, franchisees should be comfortable within the framework of the franchise and its culture.






No matter what type of printing business you want to set up or run, the client’s requirements remain the same:

  • quick turnaround times;

  • competitive pricing; and

  • professional service.

Your client’s loyalty will depend on meeting the above demands as well as the quality of your prints.


Many exciting opportunities exist in the printing industry that include:-

  • Textbook printing;

  • Magazines;

  • Marketing Documents;

  • Printing of Business Cards;

  • Printing Invitations;

  • Advertising Pamphlets.

Value Added Services:-

  • Designing;

  • Binding;

  • Laminating;

  • Embossing;

  • Couriering.

To accomplish this companies started offering:

  1. signage printing;

  2. poster printing;

  3. photo printing; and

  4. t-shirt printing.

Although you could start and run your printing business on your own or with a partner, a better option might be to go the franchise route. Franchise Companies built up a good reputation in the printing industry. They also sourced the best deals for quality machinery and paper products, have good support systems in place and offer training on equipment and even business management. Furthermore, work can be outsourced between various branches and provinces thereby keeping it in the group and building on the group’s reputation as a professional unit.

Technology has enabled printing companies to speed up processes. They can receive material from clients, via email during day/night and then printing directly from the applicable file. The ability to receive files via electronic mail also means that services can be extended nationwide, with turnaround times remaining high. Your best chance and sometimes the only one in securing a job is during the quotation stage. To enable you to calculate a competitive price, you need to know certain facts upfront:-

  • number of pages;

  • whether double- sided printing is necessary;

  • type of paper (weight, grade, color and finish); and

  • if binding is required.

It is also important to enquire if any value added services such as lamination or couriering, is required. The printing industry is a creative one and there are no room for errors, therefore an eye for detail is vital. Furthermore, a prospective printer should be able to work tight deadlines, be able to cope with stressful situations and enjoy working with people.


Choose a Business Location

To start a profitable and successful printing business, you’ll need to choose a location that will work for you. Look for a place that is within your budget and that is easily accessible to customers. You can look at locations online or hire someone to help you find the perfect location for your business.

Turn printed items into products by creating a menu of what you offer.

When it comes to printing, most people or business owners don’t know exactly what they need. For example, a food manufacturer might think they need a traditional vinyl banner for an event but they don’t understand the pitfalls of using it in various scenarios. What they really need is a portable tabletop sign that can be utilized at events, sales meetings, and other public awareness activities. The more customers understand what a product can do, the happier they will be with the finished product.

Promote your new print shop.

Once you start a printing business, you need to get the word out to bring in sales. Join your local chamber of commerce, sponsor community events, and advertise in your local newspaper. Also, don’t forget to promote yourself online by building an effective website, participating in  industry forum discussions, and taking steps to distinguish yourself from local and nationwide competition.











Clarify in your own mind the type of establishment you would like to develop.

Decide on your objectives:

  • Is the objective to be host to visitors from abroad?

  • Will local tourist be welcome?

  • Will children be welcome?

  • What kind of accommodation do you intend to offer?

  • Is your objective primarily to make money by taking in guests or are you also interested in the social aspects of the venture?

Factors to be considered:

  • Changes to your daily routine.

  • Intrusion upon your privacy.

  • You will have to be available 24/7.

  • As the entire family will be affected by a business of this nature, canvass the support of family members.

Location of Establishment.

Location is of major significance and factors influencing this include:

  • Proximity to popular tourist attractions, conference facilities etc.

  • Location along tourist routes.

  • Proximity to alternate affordable accommodation.

  • Easy access.

  • Good visibility.


Thorough research should be undertaken before deciding whether to embark on the project. A concise, well formulated feasibility analysis serves a dual purpose –

(1) It marshals the thought and ideals of the developer -:

  • Does the prospective developer have the right temperament to run the enterprise?

  • Were all organizations approached for relevant information?

  • Did the developer carefully consider the cost and other implications of admitting overnight guests to his/her home?

  • Are calculations of expenditure versus envisaged income realistic?

  • Is trained staff readily available or will additional tasks be handled by the developer?

(2) It serves as a document to convince others of the viability of the project:-

  • To obtain financing if necessary.

  • To convince suppliers and possibly a partner/s.

  • To convince the family who will be affected by the enterprise.

The following elements should be included in the feasibility analysis:- (We strongly suggest you approach a small business institute or advisory bureau to assist you)

Competitive Analysis.

  • Do similar facilities exist in the immediate vicinity?

  • Where are they located?

  • At which markets are they targeted?

  • Could there be a market overlap with your envisaged establishment?

  • Is there a market need for your establishment?

  • What percentage of the overall market do you expect to draw?

Financial Analysis.

Clearly determine the objective of the business – project income and expenditure scenarios – investigate the availability of trained staff, if required – approach small business consultants to provide you with advice if at all possible.


After researching all aspects pertaining to your project draw up a working plan and include the following:-

  1. Daily running of the establishment.

  2. Financing the facility.

  3. Legal Matters.

Daily Running of the Establishment.

In the daily running of the establishment acceptable standards should be maintained. Particular attention should be paid to the following:-

  • Staff must be well trained.

  • Neatness is of the utmost importance.

  • Quality equipment – towels, bedding etc must be provided – also consider extras such as special soap, shampoo etc.

  • Furniture, fittings and fixtures must be of good quality and in working order.

  • Building must be well maintained.

  • Rest rooms and other public amenities should be cleaned regularly and kept tidy.

  • Provision must be made for guest parking. This is of utmost importance to the business and self-drive traveler.

  • Bath and toilet facilities must be serviced daily.

Handling of guests.

  • Aspects such as welcoming, friendliness, warmth and hospitality are the cornerstones and key features of the hospitality industry.

  • Cultural differences must be considered.

  • Language proficiency is an advantage.

  • Knowledge of tourist attractions in the immediate vicinity is an important requirement.

  • Telephone numbers of emergency medical services must be readily available to guests.

  • There must be no confusion with regard to meal times, coffee and tea times, provision of keys and other relevant matters.

  • Courtesy and punctuality are very important.

Financing of the facility.

Three possibilities for which financing may be required:-

1. If the property is suitable for the purpose and meets the requirements, only a small capital expenditure may be needed for furnishings and refurbishing, including linen.

2. If the property does not meet the requirements, structural adjustments may be necessary such as outbuildings, outer doors, etc. It may also be necessary to enlarge or improve the kitchen and dining room facilities and to build additional parking facilities.

3. If the property must still be purchased or developed, a large capital expenditure may be required.

Where necessary, provision must be made for:-

  • Transfer fees.

  • Bond fees – registration etc.

  • Attorney fees.

  • Property Valuation Fees.

  • Inspection Fees.

  • Insurance.

  • Issuing Guarantees.

  • Cost of Drawing up contracts.

  • Purchasing furniture, linen and fittings.

Beware of an unprofitable investment. The potential income must be weighed carefully against the interest on the investment, both in the short and long term.