Our Services for Entrepreneurs & Agripreneurs


"Entrepreneurs" play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and also bring new ideas/products to the market. Entrepreneurship that proves to be successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits and growth opportunities.

An "Agripreneur" is an individual who creates a new farming operation, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards and is commonly seen as a innovator of goods and services.    

No matter where you are in your business or farming venture, we offer a full range of services to Entrepreneurs and Agripreneurs from start up to the running of a successful business.


Our services include (but not limited to):

Professional Business & Farming Plan Writing Services - We compile and provide professional and bankable plans for both Entrepreneurs and Agripreneurs. When you sign up for a plan you also qualify for a free investors pitch.

Business/Farming Profiles - This is like a resume/ cv for your business. It is used as an opportunity to briefly state why potential clients shall work with you, by giving thorough and precise details.

Business/ Farming Proposals - These include: Informally Solicited Proposals, Formally Solicited Proposals, Unsolicited Proposals, Internal and External Proposals.

Investor Pitches - A Investors pitch is a brief presentation document - usually 10 - 15 power point slides that fully outlines all the details/benefits of your business or farming operation.

Financial Analysis - This is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets and other finance related transactions to determine their performance and suitability.

Financial Planning -  Financial Planning is the process of building a comprehensive financial strategy to complete long - term financial goals.

Sales/ Marketing Plans - Writing a sales/marketing plan help Entrepreneurs and Agripreneurs  to think of each campaign's mission, buyer personas, budgets, tactics, and deliverables.

Real Estate/ Property/Land Development - We assist and develop well structured real estate business plans.

Student Accommodation - Creating a comprehensive business plan for student accommodation, whether starting up or already established, is paramount when seeking funding from banks or investors.

One Page Business or Farming Plans - The benefit of a one page business or farming plan is that investors have a complete overview/ summary of your business or farming operation at a glance.

